Stem Podar Learn School

Our scholastic record, innovative learning methods and strong commitment to delivering quality through integrity has helped us scale heights that few have managed in the field of education. As a result, PPLS today is a trusted name and an acknowledged leader in the collective effort to shape the future of our children and the nation through its wide network of top schools in India. We welcome you to join the PPLS family and to give your child the best when it comes to an integrated, holistic and empowering learning experience.


The Podar Group of Schools has been started and operates with the prime purpose of building young minds to spearhead a dynamic future globally. Podar’s stated vision is a commitment to operate and manage quality schools that provide quality education with a focus on development that is in sync with the needs of the individual child in an era of globalization.

To qualify for a Podar Learn School franchise, please note the minimum requirements:

  • Minimum 1.5 acre of land at a suitable location.
  • To set up a school, the initial capital required is approx Rs 2.5 Crore (this amount includes the cost of the building).
  • The Podar Learn Schools are planned to be established in the smaller towns of India.
  • Apart from the above, we are also looking for the passion and commitment to run the school.